Easily access and share calendars with family, friends, and colleagues!
With this powerful calendar program, users can: Manage multiple calendars from one place Determine availability and schedule meetings Share their calendars and choose what they want others to see Overlay calendars as needed

Wide Compatibility
Besides Microsoft Outlook support the MailSite Calendar Server provides support for many other calendar clients out-of-the-box. MailSite users can easily share their calendars with users of Apple Calendar, Google Calendar and more. With appropriate permissions, calendars can be shared with users inside and outside of the company.
Sharing Information with Outlook Sharing Calendar with Other Clients- Access calendars though the web client, desktop and mobile device
- Multiple Calendars per mailbox
- Read/ write sharing of calendars with Microsoft Outlook
- Read only publishing of calendars to Outlook and other clients
- Share your Calendar with your Family, Friends and co workers
- Control how much information people you share with see, from Free/ Busy only to full control
- Embraces ExpressPro, a product written from the ground up using the latest web technology.
- Connects easily and quickly to Microsoft Outlook without requiring any plug-ins.
- Automatically synchronizes calendar and contact data from Outlook and web calendars with mobile devices of your choice.
- Utilizes an advanced two-tier clustering technology that is not dependent on Windows server clustering.
- Scales from 20 users on a single server to hundreds of thousands of users on a cluster of servers.
- Collaborates with Windows, Google, and Apple users.