• What is it?
MailSite ExpressPro is our Email, Calendar and Contact AJAX web client. MailSite ExpressPro
provides a desktop look and feel client that allows users to manage their personal email, calendars and contacts from a web browser.
• Microsoft Outlook
Automatically synchronize Calendar and Contact data with Outlook. This means that the user’s email, calendar and contact data is always available from any web browser anywhere in the world.
• Calendar Sharing
MailSite ExpressPro allows users to subscribe to remote calendars such as Google Calendars. It also allows users to share their own calendars with others users in ExpressPro or through clients such as Apple Mac iCal, Mozilla Lightning and Google Calendar. Users can share all of their calendar details or just their free-busy information.
• Mailbox Admin
MailSite ExpressPro allows users with server or domain level privileges to manage settings for other user's mailboxes.