Controlling the Ciphers that MailSite uses for TLS

Document ID: 10551


This KB doc explains how to control the ciphers that MailSite uses for TLS.

More Information

Controlling the Ciphers that MailSite uses for TLS This KB doc explains how to control the ciphers that MailSite uses for TLS. Prerequisite: MailSite Update or later.

To Add Ciphers

  • Run regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\[Wow6432Node]\Rockliffe\MailSite
  • Here you should find a value called SChannelAlgorithms.
  • Open the key and edit the value adding more ciphers seperated by commas.
  • The example key value below adds support for AES128, AES256, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512. The order of the ciphers here has no significance.



26115 3DES
26126 AES128
26128 AES256
26625 RC4
32771 MD5
32772 SHA 1
32780 SHA256
32781 SHA384
32782 SHA512
41984 RSA_KEYX