Bulk registration using msImportExport.exe

Document ID: 10083


Bulk registration from incompatible databases is possible using the msImportExport.exe tool and XML programming.

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Bulk registration using msImportExport.exe Bulk registration from incompatible databases is possible using the msImportExport.exe tool and XML programming.

You will need to create a tool (I.E. script or program) that will interface and extract the username, password and domain(s) for the user base. After your tool has created the XML file, you can the use msImportExport.exe to convert the users to MailSite accounts.

The syntax for msImportExport.exe is as follows:

 -[im|ex]port filename
 -server [-property old1[:new1][,old2[:new2]]..]
 -domains [-property old1[:new1][,old2[:new2]]..]
 -mailboxes [-plugin old1[:new1][,old2[:new2]]..] 
 -maillists [-plugin old1[:new1][,old2[:new2]]..] 

Mailbox plugin types:
NumberMailbox type Comment
0Registry / SQLMailbox information stored in Registry OR SQL database
1NT User Mailbox information stored in Registry and in NT user database
2DatabaseStores mailbox name, domain and password in ODBC/ SQL database

Your tool, will have to conform to this basic structure in order for msImportExport.exe to parse the information correctly into mailsite. the following structure has all the properties in the maibox option filled in except for autoreply, and alias address.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mailsiteconfiguration comment="23:34:01"> <domains> <domain name="tech.rockliffe.com"> <domainproperties> <property name="MailInBoxDir" type="1" value="C:\Program Files\MailSite\BOX"/> <property name="QuotaDefaultLimit" type="4" value="1024"/> <property name="QuotaDefaultTrigger" type="4" value="500"/> <property name="QuotaMsgSize" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="QuotaNoMsgs" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="QuotaTotSize" type="4" value="2"/> <property name="QuotaLastChecked" type="4" value="1012258477"/> </domainproperties> <mailboxes> <mailbox name="tech.guy" plugin="2"> <property name="FullName" type="1" value="guy"/> <property name="ForwardTo" type="1" value="tech.guy@anothersite.com"/> <property name="ServiceExpress" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServiceImap" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServiceLdap" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServiceMailma" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServicePop" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServiceSmtp" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="ServiceWconsole" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="QuotaLastChecked" type="4" value="1011886839"/> <property name="DayViewEnd" type="4" value="1140"/> <property name="DayViewStart" type="4" value="420"/> <property name="DefaultCalendarView" type="1" value="day"/> <property name="DefaultPersonality" type="1" value="default"/> <property name="DeleteConfirm" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="DeleteToTrash" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="Display" type="4" value="50"/> <property name="DraftFolder" type="1" value="Drafts"/> <property name="LastLoginTime" type="4" value="1011976154"/> <property name="PersonalityDisplayName" type="1" value="default"/> <property name="PersonalityEmailAddress" type="1" value="default"/> <property name="PersonalityName" type="1" value="default"/> <property name="PersonalitySignatureEnable" type="1" value="0"/> <property name="RefreshInterval" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="ReplyInclude" type="4" value="1"/> <property name="SaveOutgoing" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="SentFolder" type="1" value="Sent Items"/> <property name="SortBy" type="1" value="Date"/> <property name="SortOrder" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="SpellCheckLanguage" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="SpellCheckOptions" type="4" value="3123192"/> <property name="TrashFolder" type="1" value="Deleted Items"/> <property name="GivenName" type="1" value="Tech"/> <property name="MiddleInitial" type="1" value="A"/> <property name="Surname" type="1" value="Guy"/> <property name="Street" type="1" value="Somewhere USA street"/> <property name="City" type="1" value="Somewhere USA"/> <property name="State" type="1" value="CA"/> <property name="Country" type="1" value="GB"/> <property name="PostCode" type="1" value="94512"/> <property name="Organization" type="1" value="tech guy network"/> <property name="OrgUnit" type="1" value="Customer services"/> <property name="Title" type="1" value="Tech support"/> <property name="Manager" type="1" value="tech guys manager"/> <property name="Facsimile" type="1" value="(608) 123 2345"/> <property name="Telephone" type="1" value="(608) 123 2345"/> <property name="Mobile" type="1" value="(608) 123 2345"/> <property name="Pager" type="1" value="(608) 123 2345"/> <property name="HomeAddress" type="1" value="1122 nowhere USA"/> <property name="HomePhone" type="1" value="(608) 123 2345"/> <property name="HomeCity" type="1" value="anytown"/> <property name="HomeCountry" type="1" value="US"/> <property name="HomeState" type="1" value="CA"/> <property name="HomeStreet" type="1" value="somewher street"/> <property name="HomePostCode" type="1" value="94025"/> <property name="PostalAddress" type="1" value="Somewhere USA,"/> <property name="OtherMailbox" type="1" value="tech.guy@anothersite.com"/> <property name="Comment" type="1" value="This is a comment for tech guys mailbox"/> <property name="URL" type="1" value="www.techguy.net"/> <property name="Language" type="1" value="EN-US"/> </mailbox> </mailboxes> </domain> </domains> </mailsiteconfiguration>

The example below contains simple information such as user name password and domain. The tool that you develop needs to conform to this XML schema.

To import plain text passwords, see the example below. as it has the correct syntax for creating a proper XML document to import the plain text password. Please note the values for AlienPasswordType and AlienPassword, the numeric values must be identical or the import will fail migrating passwords.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mailsiteconfiguration comment="23:38:25"> <domains> <domain name="tech.rockliffe.com"> <domainproperties> <property name="MailInBoxDir" type="1" value="C:\Program Files\MailSite\BOX"/> <property name="QuotaDefaultLimit" type="4" value="1024"/> <property name="QuotaDefaultTrigger" type="4" value="500"/> <property name="QuotaMsgSize" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="QuotaNoMsgs" type="4" value="0"/> <property name="QuotaTotSize" type="4" value="2"/> <property name="QuotaLastChecked" type="4" value="1012258477"/> </domainproperties> <mailbox name="tech.guy" plugin="0"> <property name="AlienPasswordType" type="4" value="4"/> <property name="AlienPassword" type="1" value="password"/> <property name="FullName" type="1" value="guy"/> </mailbox> </mailboxes> </domain> </domains> </mailsiteconfiguration>

When you have completed exporting your users to the XML file, you will need to run the msImportExport command as follows: If you are converting the user base to registry mailboxes, type:

msImportExport.exe -import XMLfile.xml -domains -mailboxes -plugin

If you are importing to a database or SQL, ensure that you have database connectivity already running.

msImportExport.exe -import XMLfile.xml -domains -mailboxes -plugin 0:0
0:0 indicates convert registry mailboxes to SQL type mailboxes.

Assuming that they are currently in registry format: mailbox plugin type=0